Juan Carlos Mora Uribe

CEO Bancolombia

Juan Carlos Mora Uribe serves as the President of Bancolombia, a leading Financial Group with 30,000 employees dedicated to promoting sustainable economic development for the well-being of all, and serving over 20 million clients in Colombia, Panama, El Salvador, and Guatemala.

He holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from EAFIT University in Medellin, Colombia, and a Master's in Business Administration from Babson College, United States. Over his more than 30 years at Bancolombia, Juan Carlos has built a solid leadership path, driving key transformation processes, intrapreneurship, and sustainability, promoting a more conscious banking approach.

Under his leadership, Bancolombia coordinated its entry into the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, being recognized as the world's most sustainable bank for the second time. He is also a key promoter of the Bancolombia Foundation, focusing efforts on making Colombian rural areas prosperous. Additionally, Juan Carlos has played a crucial role in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies, positively transforming relationships and facilitating equal opportunities for all. Currently, he chairs the board of the University-Enterprise-State Committee (CUEE), a collaboration promoting agendas focused on science, technology, and innovation to enhance the productivity and competitiveness of strategic productive sectors.