Yazaki North America Celebrates Opening Of Pilot Project Factory In Guatemala

Guatemala City, February 15, 2023 – Automotive components producer Yazaki North America, Inc. (Yazaki NA) today celebrated the opening of its new pilot project factory in western Guatemala along the Mexican border in Ayutla, a municipality in the San Marcos Department of Guatemala. The celebration marks a milestone in Yazaki’s anticipated investment of up to US$10 million in the pilot project factory and to create up to 1,000 jobs. Production at the factory began last month.


La Asesora Especial Lindsey Zuluaga y La Alianza por Centroamérica Viajarán a Guatemala y Honduras para Promover la Inversión Privada Estadounidense


Asesora especial Lindsey Zuluaga y alianza por Centroamérica viajarán a Guatemala y Honduras para promover la inversión privada estadounidense como parte de la fase “Centroamérica adelante”